Medication Refills & Authorizations


Prescription Refills: Prescription refills will primarily be taken care of at appointments during business hours. Regular appointments are very important, so that your medical and emotional status can be assessed, and so that appropriate recommendations regarding medications can be made. We will not be able to provide refills of your prescriptions if you are not seen for appointments.

However, if a refill is needed, please submit a refill request HERE or call us at 919.303.0273 at least 2 days in advance of prescription ending. If you call, please leave a voicemail for your provider with the following information: Patient name, date of birth, medication name and dose, pharmacy and pharmacy phone number. Refills are not submitted after hours or during weekends. It may take as long as 48 hours to complete your refill request.

Controlled Substances: Please understand that we may choose not to prescribe controlled substances during an initial appointment. These medications require the utmost attention to detail. In some cases we will request your previous treatment records to ensure that we are providing you the highest quality care. We also utilize claims data and the NC Controlled Substances Database to ensure your safety.

Refill Fee: If your provider is filling a prescription due to a missed appointment (no show), there is a $25 refill charge, only one month of the medication will be called in (or less for controlled substances), and the missed appointment will need to be rescheduled.


When Prior Authorization is Required:  Generally, we are automatically notified by your pharmacy when authorization is required.  At times, an authorization is required to receive your medication while with some policies, an authorization is required for you to pay for the medication at a lower tier cost.  Our intention is to submit authorization information in a timely manner, as we do not want anyone to be without their medication.  

This is how the process works:

1.  We are notified by the pharmacy that authorization is needed and submit the necessary information.

2. The pharmacy receives the approval or denial from the insurance company, and if approved, will fill the prescription.  Please note that while we do our best to help insure approval, but it is up to your insurance company to make that decision based on your benefits. 

3. Most pharmacies will then automatically message you that your medication is ready to pick up, or will let you know that there is a problem with the prescription.  In the latter case, it is important that you speak with the pharmacy to determine what the issue is, as we are generally not informed, or receive the approval/disapproval information later than the pharmacy does.  Depending on what the problem is, sometimes a quick discussion with the pharmacy directly can efficiently resolve the issue or educate you about various options available to you.  

4. If the pharmacy indicates that the authorization has not yet been completed, please call our office and we will alert your prescriber, as it is possible that we did not receive a request.  You can also email our admin staff for help at [email protected]


  • Check your pharmacy app to see if it is ready, or to learn what is causing the delay
  • Call the pharmacy and ask about the status (most prescription delays have to do with pharmacy or insurance issues, and unfortunately we can offer little help in those cases)
  • Contact us if the pharmacy has not received the prescription or if an authorization is needed and hasn't yet been received.  It is rare that a prescription is not sent as intended, but we are human!